Monday, April 27, 2009

Motorcycles, Princesses, and Manhood

I think we just survived the busiest weekend in history. How 500 events all got scheduled in the same weekend, I'll never know.

Friday, I attempted to have a garage sale. I never put an ad in the paper but I've never lived on the edge of civilization before. Pretty much after you pass our neighborhood, you're in the middle of nowhere so you're not going to be casually driving by our neighborhood and just happen to see a 'garage sale' sign. So pretty much my only customers were all the construction workers who were working in the back of the 'hood. I still made $150 but usually my garage sales bring in $400.

Our friends Robbie and Keli stopped by and Robbie gave Nate his first (and last until he's over 18) motorcycle ride.

I really doubt that bicycle helmet would have saved him from serious brain damage were there an actual wreck. But, I'm a mom and had to put something on his head.

Friday night, the girls had a Disney princess sleepover at church but Alyssa didn't actually sleep over since she had her first day of work on Sat. morning. Zac went to a youth 'man retreat'. They camped out, had 'man olympics' and peed outside--activities all designed to proclaim their manhood. Out of 100 pictures put on facebook by one of the youth leaders, this was the only one of Zac--throwing a spear in some sort of manly contest.

Saturday was filled with me and Alyssa working, picking up Kate from church, dropping off and picking up Nate from choir practice for the musical on Sunday, and Nate going to a birthday party which I almost forgot about.

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