Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Final update from India

Here is Kevin's final email from India. They will begin traveling home Thursday evening (our time). If all goes as scheduled, we'll pick him up on Sat. morning at 9.

It is Thursday morning about 7:00. Yesterday, we ministered to the Tanti people group. As you know, our church has officially adopted the Tanti as our unreached people group. We worshiped with the believers there and shared from God's word. We met on the roof of a house there in the village. I must admit, it really felt like we were in New Testament times as we were on the roof tops sharing God's word. The Tanti people were so thrilled we were there. They are weavers by trade and presented us with gifts they had made by hand. At the beginning of the worship service, they put flowers around our necks and then washed our feet. It was a very emotional time. We spent the entire day with them. Today will be our last day of ministry here. We will be going to Biju Thomas' church planting school. We have an opportunity today to teach the new church planters. I will be sharing with them how to tell a story from God's word. I will be using Luke 15 and the stories that Jesus told about the lost sheep, lost coin, and the prodigal son. We will have them build a drama acting out the story to cement it in their minds. Randy will be teaching them some discipleship principles from Masterlife. Joe will be telling them the story of Abraham and Issac. In the afternoon, we will be going to an orphanage where Steve will be doing balloon animals for the kids and sharing the gospel. It has been a long, but life changing week. Tomorrow, at 8:50am, we will start our long journey home. Thanks to everyone for all the love, prayers, and support.

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