There are some moments in life when I wish I could see into the future so I could plan things a little differently. If I had known in advance I was going to break my toe, there are definitely some things I would have taken care of before hand.
First, most important: Gotten a pedicure. The tidbits of nail polish on my toes is left over from January and looks hideous yet I'm forced to parade my feet in front of doctors and x-ray techs which causes me to cringe every time I pull off my sock. I think I can stand to actually touch it now so this issue will be resolved this week.
Second: I had plans to paint Katie's room the weekend I broke my toe. We were trying some sample paint colors in her room so for over 6 weeks, she has had a purple square and smiley face painted above her bed. I also had planned to have my kitchen painted by now, but the white walls are torturing and mocking me. I don't know how much longer I can take the boringness of it.
Third: I would have already done my cute spring shoe shopping. I feel like I've missed out on the big game for the Spring. By the time I can shoe shop, all the cutesy, fun, yet economical shoes will be gone. And, no I can't shop anyway with just trying them on my right foot. I have weird, skinny feet and one is longer than the other by about a 1/4 size.
Seriously, my toe is doing much better. I put on a tennis shoe this weekend for the first time and survived. I'm hoping in a few more days I can tolerate some ballet flats. I have to get into shape so I'll be ready to go see Mickey Mouse in a few more weeks!