Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Communicating with Teens

If you want the lines of communication to stay open with your teens, then you need to become proficient at texting--their preferred method of conveying information. It's still cool to text your mom since no one probably knows who they're texting but a conversation with mom is out of the question.

Katie and Zac went on a church choir trip to Kansas City this past weekend. Katie doesn't have a cell phone yet so I have to rely on Zac to provide me information about how the trip is going. Great. Here's our conversation on Saturday night:

Me: Are you having fun? We're at dance recital #2. I know you're sad you're missing it. (Notice my complete thoughts and correct grammar.)

Z: at the park

Me: Have you seen Kate at all?

Z: A little

Me: Are you capable of texting more than two words?

Z: I'm having lots of fun mother.

Me: Much better. Love you!

Z: K

1 comment:

Catherine A said...

U R 2 cool 4 skool!