Monday, November 12, 2007

36 or 56?

I went to the dr. last Friday. It was my first visit to this office so I was answering all of the customary medical history questions. Then the nurse started asking me a lot of questions that you would ask an older woman who had approached a certain life stage. I couldn't figure out why she was asking me these questions, when she looked at me and said, "Are you really 56?" I quickly corrected her to my correct age of 36 and couldn't even fathom as to why she would think I was 56. Whoever entered my information had my birth year off by 20 years which made the nurse feel so much better. She kept looking at me and then my supposed age and was wondering what she had done wrong in her life that she didn't age as well. We had a good laugh and I'm happy to say that this was my first experience in being thought older than I am, and since it was due to a computer error I'm okay with it.

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