Monday, November 19, 2007

Project Runway

The girls and I discovered Project Runway last year, about halfway through the season and quickly became fans. I must confess we spent several days this summer on the couch getting caught up on all the old seasons during Bravo marathons. A new season started this past Wednesday and we are all excited to get to watch the drama unfold week by week.

During this first show, they interviewed each of the designers, showing clips of each one sharing their design philosophy when I heard what is currently my new favorite quote: "What you wear is a reflection of who you are. Life is too short to wear a bad outfit."

Now, lest you think I am being prideful or materialistic, let me explain why I think your attire and your spiritual well-being are related. I realize I'm walking on thin ice here and not all of you are going to agree with me, but here goes. When you dress nicely (nicely, not expensively), you tend to have more confidence in yourself and what you believe in. When we have more confidence in who we are in Christ, that then is a draw to non-believers. Shallow but true, people are more likely to be drawn to you when you are dressed attractively than like a bum in sweats and a t-shirt with holes in it.

While I'm on my soapbox of fashion today, let me also point out that we as wives should do our best to look our best for our husbands. No, not so they can boast about how pretty their wife is, but so they know we love them enough to make the effort to look nice for them and to make the temptations out there in the world less enticing. There seems to be a common practice among wives that once we're married, the effort is no longer required. I'm thankful for a mentor during my newlywed years that encouraged me to always look my best for Kevin, even if that meant running in the bathroom at 4pm to put on a little makeup before he got home. Old fashioned, yes, but I believe our husbands are encouraged and built up by our efforts. I can just hear some of you saying, "that's easy for you because you're thin." I'm not talking about being thin or beautiful by the world's standards, I'm talking about the effort to look your best. I promise your hubby will appreciate it and your marriage will be stronger for it.


Anonymous said...

Is it OK if there s spit up on my clothes as long as I have a little make up? :)

Anonymous said...

BTW, I have always loved project runway!!

Sharon said...

Sure, as long as you've showered sometime in the past 3 days! :)