Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bring the rain

A few months ago I was in my van, singing along with the radio as I always do--probably the one thing my children wish I wouldn't do when we're in the car--when I started actually listening to the words I was singing.

Bring me anything that brings You glory
And I know there'll be days
When this life brings me pain
But if that's what it takes to praise You
Jesus, bring the rain

The words grabbed my attention and I asked myself if I could honestly say those words and mean them. Was I really willing to go through an uncomfortable situation just to bring God glory? Well, wouldn't you know it. The test came just a couple of weeks later. Some of you are aware of the situation I am going through with my brother and have been praying for me. I won't get into a lot of details. Just know that he has cut off all communication with me and is refusing to send me the inheritance from my dad that is legally mine.

I have cried as many, if not more, tears over this situation than I have over losing my dad. A crier I am not, so this is huge for me. After a few days of wallowing in my pity party, I could almost hear God speak to me, telling me to quit acting like I'm defeated. He's on my side and in control. I still have to remind myself of this often, but I have been trusting him and am confident that He will work all of this for my good because that's what He promised to do.

The most recent development is I have mailed Jeff a letter, requesting he send me an amount that equals about 1/4 of the inheritance, more than fair to him. He probably received it yesterday. But, the awesome thing is, while I have been trusting God to take care of the situation, he has blessed me beyond measure just in the last few days. We received an escrow check from our house in Arlington. We also found out they want to drill for natural gas in our neighborhood in Arlington so we'll be making a trip to sign lease papers and get a check in a couple of weeks. We have been needing a new washing machine for a while, and yesterday, totally unexpected, someone purchased one for me! They wish to remain anonymous so I can't go into much more detail, but I've never been more excited about doing laundry!

I am beginning to wonder if this is how God is going to take care of me, all these unexpected blessings. But each and every one is like a hug from my Heavenly Father, letting me know He cares for me and will always be my champion. So would I trade a boring life and a so-so relationship with Him for a challenging life and the chance to know Him more intimately? Without hesitation....Bring the rain.


Anonymous said...

I don't know what you've done about the gas lease, but call me if you don't know about a neighborhood association or something of the sort. People in our church have signed for MUCH less than we have settled on with our neighborhood group. So sorry to know things with your brother have not resolved but so glad to hear that God is taking care of you. We know He is in the redemption business!

Anonymous said...

thank you for sharing how God has blessed you :)! When we live w/so much, sometimes we don't recognize His hand in provision - It's Awesome :)!
btw, I'm