Monday, February 9, 2009

My apology to the Chick Fil A Cow

I bought a cow, actually a fourth of a cow. A family in our church raises cattle and I jumped at the opportunity to buy some. We were spoiled several years ago with half a yearling from a cattle rancher in our church in Arkansas. The taste is sooo much better than what you get at the grocery store, not to mention no added food coloring, no hormones or antibiotics, and just better quality, all for less than what I'd pay per pound at the store. I told Nathan at breakfast we were getting the cow I bought that day and it was going to be his job to feed it. Priceless look on his face. Then I confessed it was meat for the freezer. He said, 'I don't think I want to know how that happens.' I probably don't either, but I'm a little too excited over the fact that my freezer is full of fresh beef and I hope I don't have to buy any at the grocery store for at least 6 months!

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