Friday, February 20, 2009

Week in Review

After housing 16 7th grade boys plus 2 college counselors last weekend, I needed a week to recover from the lack of sleep, but I have about 20 things to blog about so you might just find a post a day for the next couple of weeks!

Katie has finished her 2nd week of school yet still hasn't mastered her locker. It's opened a few times for her but they have yet to make nice and cooperate. Overall, she's doing great and has even gotten up on time except for two mornings when major bribing with a can of Dr. Pepper was required to get her up.

My van is in the shop again. We took it in in Jan. because one of the sliding doors wouldn't close, then got stuck shut. They kept it for a week and it still wasn't fixed right. So we took it back today, Kevin waited for 4 hours, they said they fixed it, but during their proud demonstration it broke again. So I have a Jeep Cherokee in my driveway that only seats 5. Guess we won't be taking any neighborhood kids to church this week!

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