Monday, December 17, 2007

Channel 2 works for you

That really is their slogan. I'd hate to watch the news that was against me, as a comedian once said. Had I lived in our area a little longer, I might have even heard of the news anchors and weathermen who gave us our tour, but we had fun anyway. All of us except Alyssa. She decided to tag along because the previously blogged trip to the mall was before the field trip. After arriving, she was disappointed to learn that she was the oldest one there and surrounded by kids at an average age of 8. The green screen was a hit with Nate although I do hope he doesn't grow up to be a weatherman. His choice for a future career tends to vary with our latest outings. He wanted be a policeman after our academy tour and before that it was an architect. Okay, it was really the guy who drives the backhoe on construction jobs, but I convinced him that designing the buildings was way cooler.

Sorry if the picture of the sign in the bathroom offends anyone, but Alyssa and I found it hilarious thanks to the small print at the bottom of the sign. Hope it makes you smile too!

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