Friday, January 18, 2008

Conversations with Nathan

If you've spent anytime with Nathan, you learn two things about him rather quickly: He doesn't stop talking and he is hilarious. Part of the hilarity comes from what he says, the rest comes from his animated looks and gestures. I'm convinced if we lived in LA, he'd be quite the star. So for your entertainment today, I'll share a few conversations that have happened, all this week.

Nathan and I pray together every night before he goes to sleep. He has the sweetest, most sincere prayers. He prayed that he hoped Pappy was having fun in heaven and that we wouldn't be sad for too long. After he finished, I reminded him that even though we miss Pappy that we would see him again in heaven someday. He said, "That's easy for you to say because you're older. I've got at least 80 years to wait."

After arriving home from a dr. appt., I was questioning who still needed to eat lunch. Alyssa answered that she had eaten a looong time ago to which Nathan replied, "When did you eat? In the 80's?"

Wed. night after watching Idol, he got ready for bed and came back downstairs. I was sitting in the recliner and he told me to "scoochie coozie over so we can pray." He then prayed and thanked God for the Japanese man who sang "We are brothers". (If you missed it, just search You Tube--you'll find it!)The rest of us are laughing so hard at this point that we have tears coming out our eyes. Alyssa had her face buried in a pillow and Katie had to leave the room in an attempt not to be laughing during his prayer. About the time he says "amen", Belle (the dog) comes walking through the living room with a Popsicle stick in her mouth. I make it a habit never to remove anything from the dog's mouth so I try to get a kid to volunteer for the job. Nathan says, "I think we're going to need an atomic suckulator." Now if you figure out what an atomic suckulator is, please let me know.


Anonymous said...

an atomic suckulator is a vacuum cleaner.


Natalie said...

i must say that he is a funny boy.

we watched american idol tonight and it was the one you refer to in this post. will is in his bed singing "i am your brother, best friends forever" even as we speak. i have told him twice to be quiet and go to bed...but he can't help himself i guess. he will be quiet for a couple of minutes and then he just breaks out into song. will. will.

Anonymous said...

I miss you so much! These posts are very nostalgic for me and remind me of so many funny things all of your kids have said that Jeremy and I now use in our repertoire. One of my favorites, Katie saying something was "the ball" instead of "the bomb".