Sunday, June 8, 2008

I've been tagged

Natalie has tagged me with a meme. I'm not even sure what the word means. If you want to know what it means in Turkish, click on Natalie's name and she'll tell you. But, trust me, it's not information for the prim and proper.

The rules are I'm supposed to divulge 5 quirky things about me that you probably don't know. I'm also supposed to post a current picture of myself but I don't think I have one. I'll have to work on that for later. Now which 5 of the many quirky things shall I share........

1. I don't like ice. If I make myself a drink, I will put no more than 3 pieces of ice in the glass. If more than that gets distributed by the ice dispenser, I will remove the extra pieces. If a drink is already cold, I won't use ice at all.

2. I don't like ketchup out of a bottle. I only like it out of the little restaurant packets. This is probably related to the not liking cold stuff thing, but since it's my blog I can make it a separate quirk if I want to.

3. I have lists for everything. I have a chart for which chores the kids are supposed to do on which days. I keep an ongoing grocery list at all times. Lists of things to do, lists of books to read, and on and on. And currently, a list of all the wonderful things I want to do in NYC on my vacation. I also make to do lists and even if I've already done the task, I'll write it on the list anyway just to have the satisfaction of marking it off.

4. Kevin says I cough 3 times every night before I get into bed. I have never noticed this about myself, but I'll definitely be paying more attention tonight. Of course, now that I know about this quirk, I probably won't do it anymore and will have therefore eliminated the quirk.

5. I only sleep in pajamas, never a gown. I don't know why but I can't sleep if I wear a gown. And the pants of the pajamas have to come past my knees so no shorts either. I have no explanation. I just know that's the way I'm wired.

Okay, since none of my friends, besides Natalie, have blogs, I'm going to ask my faithful readers Catherine, Kether, both Amys, and Gretchen (and anyone else who feels provoked) to leave at least two quirky things about themselves in the comments.


Anonymous said...

2 things...

1.) i've got no saliva glands in my tongue. that little factoid is always a hit ;)

2.) i strongly dislike heat and humidity. isn't God funny?

Natalie said...

good list! brian says the word meme in french means same. so maybe that is what it means. you do the same thing i do. i guess. and i know i don't have power over just sounded funny to say it that way. really my power is quite limited to my kids and my husband, but even then it has it's limits!

Anonymous said...

OK, here are some quirks,

1. I don't like anything on my hamburger, meat and bread only, but if I have any other kind of sandwich, load me up! I think it's something about keeping the patty hot.....

2. I LOVE to watch Dallas Swat. Totally out of character with The Bachelor, Dancing with the Stars, HGTV and all my other faves. I wish they would do an all day marathon. I catch myself using lingo from the show sometimes when I see other police news stories or shows.

Anonymous said...

I'll have to think about this one...I don't think I've ever thought of myself in that light (of being "quirky"!!) I could rattle off a number of quirky traits of one of my children, but I don't want to get in trouble :) I might have to consult with Phil on this one to come up with mine, but now you have me thinking "what do I do that may seem odd to someone else?"

Anonymous said...

1. I won't eat lemons @ restaurants, or candy/gum from candy dispensers

2. I only sleep in David's t-shirts - never pjs or nightgowns, and I have to wash my feet every night b/4 I go to bed...

Kether :)