Monday, August 25, 2008

Project Fly Reflector

So we just moved into our new house and with all the doors standing wide open for several days, we got a house full of flies. Kevin was grilling a few days ago and was getting swarmed by flies outside too and does this....

He says in Mexico that everyone hangs up water bottles to get rid of flies. The villagers tell him that the flies see their reflection, get scared and fly away. Personally, I'm still seeing lots of flies in the backyard, but that could be because I have a dog who leaves presents in my yard. So here's what I need you to do so I can be convinced this gimmick does/doesn't work because as of right now I'm leaning toward the 'doesn't' side of the hypothesis. Just follow Kevin's example and hang a water bottle in a fly infested area then come back here and report to us if you think it helped. Don't worry about your neighbors thinking you're crazy; they probably already do.


Anonymous said...

This is CRACKING me up! Ask Kevin if he is going to start believing in "ojo" too! If it works, I will SO need a complete report. Happy Birthday to Katie!!!

Anonymous said...

well... we have plastic bags full of water hanging on the clothes line for the exact same reason. and you can actually buy these water jar things for this exact purpose.

i don't know if ojo is the same thing as mojo, but in high school we went all the way to odessa texas to play football against the mojo - and the mojo won. they made a little movie about that season called friday night lights...

Unknown said...

Catherine, you're going to have to educate me....what is 'ojo'? you really think the water works? I think where you live would be the ultimate test!

Sharon said...

I have no idea why that comment came up as from Kevin...He's in Cleveland!

Anonymous said...

I'll try to make this brief :) "Ojo" is the "evil eye". When you look at something or someone with envy or even just with admiration you have to touch it so that an evil spirit does not cause harm to it. When I take my babies back to work to visit, all of my coworkers who are Hispanic talk about how cute they are and say, "I must touch him/ her" It's been explained to me different ways but this is the jist. It's not just a Mexican cultural thing but Hispanic of all nationalities. Our former youth minister was Hispanic and he told us his Christian parents practiced ojo and when he tried to have a discussion with them of a spritual nature about it that they admitted they didn't really believe in it but practiced it in order to pay homage to the culture. How's that for brief? See what cultural knowledge I gained from working in inner city Fort Worth? I'v got more where that came from and I've seen many a water bottle hanging with flies buzzing around. I will be so amazed if it works!

Anonymous said...

sharon - i have no idea if it really works. between the bug spray, the tiger balm and the water hanging around who knows which deserves the most credit... but it something does seem to be working

Sharon said...

It doesn't seem to be working here..I still have flies in my house. Maybe if I bought a 24 pack of water bottles....