Friday, March 27, 2009

Technophobes Anonymous

I wouldn't exactly say I'm a technophobe, but I would say I have no need for technology that is not practical or useful to me in a major way. I learn what I need to learn to do what I need to do and the rest of it I can do without. Mainly because technology, though designed to make our lives easier is usually a huge time vortex that I don't have time to get caught in. All of these facts make what I did today totally out of character.....

I bought a Blackberry.

I know....shocking! Especially after the whole panic attack over changing my phone number. But there was logic behind the decision:

1)Kevin was upgrading his phone for work purposes which meant our whole family plan had to change to a data package and if I'm paying for the service I might as well use it.

2)My phone has developed a mind of it's own and randomly turns on and off at will. Remember this is the ghetto phone that the Sprint guy laughed at when I pulled it out of my purse. I could have gotten a lower tech phone but it would have cost about the same.

3)Now that I have a keyboard, I might actually text my children which will make them happy. They would rather answer a text than a phone call for some reason.

Now I just have to get over my paranoia of losing it or dropping it or having lemonade spilled in my purse and destroying it. (This is a valid fear as it has happened before.) And to prove my time vortex point...I spent almost the entire day setting up this crazy phone and now feel compelled to check for new facebook updates on a constant basis.

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