Saturday, October 6, 2007

India Update 10/6

I received another email from Kevin tonight, which is Sunday morning for him. Here is a portion of it....

We had a LONG HOT day yesterday. I went to a village in the morning that was very destitute. We met in a cinder block room that was jam packed with people. Steve and I storied and many people came to Christ. When we were done, they walked us across the street to the home of a former idol maker that has come to know Christ. When this man got saved, he gave up his idol making business and his family disowned him. He is trying to find a new trade. Anyway, they were so excited we were there and wanted to feed us lunch. I am not sure what I ate, nor do I EVER want to know, but the love of Jesus was in his eyes. Of course, we gave him a very generous financial gift for lunch.

In the afternoon it got a little more interesting. Steve and I went as far as we could go by car and then had to walk 25 minutes into the village. We had to walk right through a village that had a large Hindu temple. Right in the middle of an open field and all the yuck was this beautiful temple. We prayed as we walked by and finally made it to the village. It was so hot that I looked like I had just gotten out of the pool. When we arrived at the village, the people came out of the wood work. It was fun. People crowded around us and gave us those "what kind of man are you" looks. They put necklaces of flowers around our necks and then we began to story. When I finished my stories and tied the gospel all together, once again, many people were saved. It is hard to know if they are really giving up all of the other false gods, but that is what we were telling them they needed to do. The church planters seemed really pleased. The translator told me this is exactly what these people need to know and hear.

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