Monday, September 1, 2008

The Tale of Nathan's Tail

We finally started home school year #10 this week. I always begin our day with a devotion or missionary story or something along those lines, then we pray for our day. We keep a running prayer request list on the dry erase board. I'm trying to teach the kids to turn to God for the big and little things in their lives, to watch for Him to work in the situation, then praise Him when he takes care of it. So our first day of school we listed these...

Except, I wrote "Nathan--grow tall", not "grow tail". Nathan recently had an appt. with an endocrinologist to check his growth since he's had another year with no increase in height or weight. He is the size of a kindergartner despite being 8 1/2. He has another growth check in February and if he still hasn't grown, we'll have to consider the possibility of daily HGH shots for several years. So, I'm determined to pray that boy tall, tall enough that he'll amaze his Dr. and I'll get to say "God did it!" Tuesday morning I go upstairs to start the school day and this is what I see:

(Just in case you can't read it--Q:Why are we praying for Nathan to grow a tail? A: Cause he needs one that's why!
Nathan admitted growing a tail might be kind of cool because he could whack people with it. I think I'll stick to praying for him to grow in "stature and wisdom".


Lou Ellen Rhodes Russell said...

Praying for Nathan to grow tall and for a tail, if that is God's plan ;)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that's me, Catherine. It defaults to my moms email sometimes, don't know why