Friday, December 5, 2008

I survived the Trojan virus, almost

Thursday night after work, I was innocently checking on my facebook. A friend had sent me a video in messages and I clicked the arrow to play. Then my laptop world came crashing down around me. Even though my Norton antivirus identified the virus immediately, it had already wreaked it's havoc on my new laptop. Kevin worked on it. I worked on it till midnight. Kevin worked on it again this morning and it still would not work. So....we wiped out the hard drive and reinstalled all operating systems. I use 'we' lightly here because it was really Kevin who babysat the process for 3 hours. I still don't have photoshop or any pictures loaded nor do I have any clue what was saved in my 'favorites'. I guess if they are truly 'favorites' I'll find them again.

On a totally different boys are watching a cartoon based on the song, 'Grandma got run over by a reindeer'. Whatever happened to the classics, like Charlie brown Christmas?

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