Monday, December 15, 2008

Ice, Ice Baby!

Yesterday afternoon, the neighborhood kids were wearing shorts and playing outside in the 75 degree weather. By last night at 8, the temp. had dropped to 20 and it was sleeting outside. Today, we're at a high of 17, there's an inch of ice on the streets, and all the schools are closed. Gotta love Oklahoma weather!

I must admit I love these days when God forces us to slow down. The past week has been filled with activities and I was starting to feel overwhelmed by not being able to stay home long enough to take care of things here or even relax a bit. Last Sunday, Alyssa danced at the fanciest assisted living place I've ever been to. (The 'apartments' are 2400SF.)Then I had 30 minutes to get across town to the church to see Nathan's children's choir program. That was followed by a week of rehearsals and performances for the church Christmas production. Alyssa was given the opportunity to choreograph and dance in the production. Of course, I think she did a beautiful job. I'm hoping we'll have a video to post soon.

So today, I'm taking advantage of my day in to do laundry, bake lots of goodies, blog and watch "Notting Hill"--the tv edited version.

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