Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Almost there! (Kevin's Mission trip update)

I really meant to post this information yesterday, but one of the side effects of Kevin being gone is I get stuck with all the drop offs and pick ups of which there were seven yesterday. Seven times I had to leave my house to deliver a kid or retrieve him/her from whatever they were doing plus take Kevin to the airport at 4am. I usually try to avoid 4am but since it was my last time to see him for 2 weeks I decided to make an exception to my 'I don't do morning' policy.

So as of now, Kevin is somewhere between Seoul, Korea and Cambodia. When he lands, he will have been on a plane for a total of 24 hours with an additional 8 or 9 hours being spent in airports for layovers. Obviously, he's going to be exhausted so today pray for safety as he finishes traveling and for him to be able to sleep tonight even though his body will be telling him he should eat breakfast.

For the next few days, he will be traveling to villages and teaching Bible stories that center on evangelism and discipleship. The people are illiterate so our team memorizes chapters of scripture and tells it as a story. Sometimes they will have the villagers act out the story or draw pictures to illustrate to help them remember. Kevin has 12 stories memorized for this trip. Pray for his mind to stay fresh and to be able to recall all of the chapters easily.

This picture is of one of our team members that arrived earlier last week with some of the children at the orphanage. Kevin's trip will overlap with theirs for a few days. They'll return home and he'll head to India.

I'll post updates as I get them. My understanding is that there is easy access to the internet in Cambodia. Next week, when he goes to India, it will be more difficult to get information.


Anonymous said...

i will pray for him. for the fatigue of traveling and the fatigue of constantly being surrounded by the unfamiliar to not interfere with his purpose there!

what a fantastic trip.

mom2four said...

What a wonderful trip!! We are hoping to take a family missions trip sometime spring break or this summer :)

Sharon said...

Thank you both! I appreciate every prayer said on his behalf!