Thursday, October 9, 2008

Porch Surprise

Today, I came home for lunch from work like I always do. As I was pulling onto my street, I noticed the UPS guy in front of my house but I hadn't ordered anything lately so I assumed he was delivering to one of my neighbors. But then, there was an box on my porch. I didn't think I had ordered anything but earlier in the day Kevin had accused me of not remembering an entire conversation so I was already questioning my sanity. If I had known what was inside, I would not have been so casual about opening the box. Someone sent me......

I was so excited I screamed when I got all of the air bubble packing material out of the way and saw my surprise. No way I was expecting this one. Then, with a cruel twist of fate, I had to leave it laying on my desk, still sealed shut, while I returned to work. I have now loaded it on my computer and played around with it some. But could someone send me "Photoshop Elements for Dummies" tomorrow? I think I'm going to need it.


Anonymous said...

Well, if "someone" is reading, could they just send me some cash? Also, I have an wishlist if someone wants to check it :) Seriously, do you know who sent it or is it a surprise to you? You're going to love learning to use Photoshop.

Sharon said...

The 'someone' wanted it to be a mystery but Amazon blew it by putting a receipt in the box. I don't think I could have handled not ever knowing. I don't do "curious and content" very well! :)

Anonymous said...

So who was it?

Cassandra Raney said...

you are sooooo lucky... i've been dying for that! i need friends like yours!!!