Saturday, October 18, 2008

The good, the bad, and the ugly

One of the ways I have learned to cope with Kevin being gone for extended lengths of time is to recognize there are some good things about being by myself for a little while. (By myself, meaning no spouse. I've still got 4 kids and a dog running around here. I can't seem to get rid of them.) There are also bad things though, and then there's the ugly.

The good:
*Sole possession of the remote control--this is very important. (Name that movie!) This means the tv is more likely off or on 'Say yes to the dress' or 'Dallas cowboys cheerleaders making the team' as opposed to shows that irritate me beyond comprehension like 'Cops' or 'World's dumbest criminals'.

*I have a whole King size bed to myself and no one to wake me up by snoring or moving too much in the middle of the night. (I'm a very light sleeper.) Not that Kevin does this every night, but it does happen.

*I get a little vacation from making sure I cook dinner on my nights at home. The kids are just as happy with a grilled cheese sandwich as they are with pork chops.

*I can stay up till 2am reading a book if I want and not feel guilty even though I'll probably regret it the next morning.

The bad:
*I'm stuck with all the carpools, drop offs and pick-ups. I especially dislike the 9pm dance pick up after I've worked till 8.

*He's not here for me to chat with about all the little things that happen each day that no one else would care to hear about.

*I'm in charge of everything, and despite what you may think, I don't want to be. I like knowing there are some things I just don't have to be concerned with, like paying bills which I was supposed to do on Wednesday and haven't yet. (Kevin's having a coronary as he's reading this on the other side of world, I'm sure. Don't worry sweetheart, I'll take care of it soon.)

The ugly:
By next Monday, I'm going to start getting tired of being both parents to 4 kids and I'm going to get crabby and it's not going to be pretty. And, I'll still have 5 more days to go before he comes home. Guess I better go read a book and sprawl all over my bed to make myself feel better!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the movie is "while you were sleeping." ha! winner!