Monday, October 20, 2008

Arrival in India

Kevin and Joe Pat have arrived safely in India. As you'll see in his message below, he is getting tired. Pray for supernatural strength this week as they go out to the remote villages and for protection. In the neighboring state, there has been extreme persecution in recent months.

It is about 8:30pm Monday night. We just got here a few minutes ago. I am one tired kid.... We will take the day off tomorrow to rest and study. Joe and I will be teaching groups of about 300 people on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. We will have about 6 hours per day of teaching time, so we need to get our ducks in a row. Please have everyone pray for our safety this week. These villages are about 2 1/2 to 3 hours away from us. The traffic here is horrible, so we need prayer for safe travel and safety from the Hindu folks that do not like us very much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i've heard the traffic in india is atrocious. and the only other kind of warning thing i've heard is everything you eat in india you should eat as hot as you can. not spicy hot, temperature hot. and never look at the bottom of your plate. that's two more things.

i can imagine kevin is drained. it took us a good week to adjust to the time change and we had the luxury of not having a schedule when we first arrived.