Thursday, October 16, 2008


Kevin's email for today is below. Remember they are 12 hours ahead so as you're going to bed, pray for them to have strength for the day and as you wake up, pray for them to have a restful night. There has also been some unrest between Thailand and Cambodia this week. We think it has been resolved, but Kevin is supposed to fly through Thailand and on to India on Sunday. Pray for them to have wisdom to know if they will need to change their flights and go through another country.

It is about 6:50am on Friday morning. This is the last day for the two teams to be together. Yesterday, Joe and I went back to the villages where the first team had been and had success. We spent some time with them on discipleship. In the first village, we used the story of Jesus calming the storm to talk to them about the power of God and how we can trust God even in the worst of times. We also taught them the parable of the talents and taught them about using whatever God gives them for His glory. These people love stories and are great with detail. The second village we went to was the one where the first team had 18 salvations the day before. We taught them the parable of the sower and talked to them about staying close to God and making sure their hearts are ready to receive a word from God at all times. At the end of the teaching time, I felt that I needed to take the story and explain the Gospel once more. When I did, the 18 that had trusted Christ affirmed their decisions from yesterday and then 2 more ladies in the group prayed to receive Jesus Christ. It was awesome! In that little village, salvation has swept through, and they will never be the same. That little village now belongs to Jesus Christ. Today, the first team will pack and get ready to leave for the states. Joe and I will be back out in the villages sharing the truth with anyone that will listen. Saturday, there will be a large group on non-believers gathered at the orphanage. I am going to use the Parable of the lost sheep, lost coin, and prodigal son to explain to the group what it means to be lost and then found by the Savior of the World. Please pray that any and all opposition will not be allowed to enter the gates of the orphanage, and I will be able to very clearly explain the truth so both the translator and people in the crowd fully understand.

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