Friday, February 22, 2008

Comments 101/ New feature

I realize that most of my readers are not of the 'blog generation'. You come here occasionally because you want to know what my crazy family is up to or to make you fell better about the calmness of your own family. So I want to encourage you to use the 'comment' feature at the end of each blog. Let me know what you think or if you have a question. I will usually respond back to you, also in the comments area. The kids love to see your comments, and I do too. Somehow it validates the time I'm sitting here at my computer, ignoring my family, attempting to bring a smile to your day.

I've also added a new feature that shows who is visiting. Don't be scared off by this little window on the right. It just shows what city the reader is from or what link was followed to get here. It's fun to see all the different places people show up from, especially from other blogs which I enjoy reading IF they are interesting and well written. My favorite at the moment, which I have become addicted to, is Warning: Do NOT go to this blog unless you want to commit to reading it everyday. It is hilarious and entertaining. She is a homeschooling mom of 4 who is a city transplant to a ranch somewhere here in Oklahoma. She has about 25,000 readers a day. You cannot however, use your blog reading time to go over there instead of here. You must commit to both!

I'm off to a women's retreat, 2 hours away! Woo Hoo! Priscilla Shirer, girl time, and shopping--I think I'm heaven!


Natalie said...

i know. that pioneer woman is hilarious! i love reading her stuff!

Anonymous said...

Do you read Beth Moore's blog?
I enjoy it so much. Her daughter is "Baby Bangs" and I like reading hers too. One of my new year's resolutions (gee, is it already March?) is to blog. Maybe that was supposed to be 2009's resolution, yeah, that's it!