Monday, February 25, 2008

Random thoughts for the day

I couldn't decide what to blog about but felt compelled to write something since I haven't posted since Friday. That's eons of time in the blog world so you are being subjected to my random thoughts today.

*I wish I had a windometer on my van so I could look at it and think, "Wow! the wind really is blowing as hard as I think it is." I just put gas in my van and I almost couldn't open my van door to get out. I hope no one I know drove by because my hair was forced into a straight up do by the gale force winds. By the way, if you know the real word for an instrument that measures wind speed, please tell me so I can learn my new word for the day.

*Zac started track today. Instead of having practice at his school, all of the jr. highs are bussed to the South High school. There are no bus rides home or back to your own school so I have to go pick him now everyday at 4:30 at the South High school. I live in the northern part of town. I am not happy about this arrangement. This is cutting into my gourmet dinner cooking time. (Immediate family members: you are not allowed to comment here.)

*Nathan bought a wii game and a board game today with money he made playing basketball. (More to come on this later.) Alyssa was helping him pay for his purchases in the electronics dept. while I took care of some sneaky birthday shopping elsewhere in the store. As I joined them, the cashier was offering Alyssa the option of saving 10% on her purchase by applying for a Target card. I mentioned that I didn't think a 15 yr. old would get approved. At this moment, the cashier realized that Alyssa was not Nate's mother. Alyssa does look older than 15 but I don't think old enough to have a 7 yr. old.

*I shopped for a desk again today. I found one I liked for $700. I'll keep looking. I'll probably order one through my work (Direct Buy). I just needed to shop today to prove to myself that that was my best option. I already knew it, but for some reason before I make any purchase, I have to know all my options to be convinced I'm getting the best deal possible. And since I can order a similar desk for about half the amount of the one I found today, I now just need to find another day when I can sit and look through catalogs all afternoon. This random story to be continued.....


Anonymous said...

A wind meter is called an anemometer.

Sharon said...

Why am I not surprised that you knew that? That word does not sound familiar to me at all so I don't think I've ever heard it before. Thanks for the enlightenment!

Anonymous said...

Joining the randomness, does Uncle Weve have a weave? Just curious....

Sharon said...

Nope, just the opposite--almost a buzz cut. And I've always spelled Weave with an a, apparantly I've been spelling it wrong all these years which I guess would make sense since it originated from a toddler's version of Steve.