Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Vote for Alaina!

If you're an American Idol fan, you may have noticed that Alaina Whitaker is from our town. Our family has been idol fans since about Season 2, mainly because it's one of the few shows on now that we can all watch together. Everyone, especially Nate, loves to choose their faves. Nathan gets so attached, he will cry when one of them gets sent home.

I usually don't get that excited about who stays and who goes but I'm rallying everyone to vote for Alaina. She goes to the same private Christian school as a lot of Alyssa's friends. I've been told by some of those parents that she is a sweet girl who is well grounded and will be able to handle the Hollywood pressures. So watch tonight (or DVR while you're at church), then vote for Alaina,who has the potential to be a good role model for American girls. (I could get on my soapbox about all the damage that's been done by the recent newsmakers, but I don't feel good today and don't have the energy for it.)

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