Friday, February 29, 2008

Finally Friday!

This has been one of those weeks that I thought would never end. I have already told you how my Tuesday started, but I had a repeat performance from the dog on Wed. morning also. She's slept barricaded in the kitchen every night since then. I also had a nail in one of my brand new tires, a dead skunk on the street by my house, a van and house that smelled like a dead skunk, a sick husband, and the nightmare of trying to find all of the receipts and information for our taxes. This isn't usually a problem, but since we moved twice in the last year and I don't have a desk to organize my life in, it was quite a challenge to find everything we needed.

And just so you won't think I'm being a total crab today, some good things from this week--I got a raise at work that I totally was not expecting, I finally ordered a desk, and it's a beautiful 65 degrees outside. I also have a Friday night with nowhere to go and to quote Kevin's brother (aka Uncle Weve)--"I have some serious laying on the couch to do" with a good book!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea for your raise! Boo for the dead skunk:( I want to hear about the women's conference last weekend that I didn't get to attend!!!