Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day......

I am so tired right now I'm not sure if I can put two coherent sentences together to tell you about my day. 5 a.m. came way too early this morning after a nonexistent night of sleep for me, but Alyssa and I were in the van by 6:03 and on our way to Oklahoma City for a dance competition. Don't ask me who the idiot was that planned this on Mother's Day. I'm sure if he/she had admitted that fact to anyone in public today, there would have been a line of people ready to beat him/her with a wet noodle at the very least. I didn't even get to see the rest of my family until 6:30 tonight.

Alyssa felt bad about it even though it wasn't her fault. I would have loved to have gone to church today, but I really didn't mind taking her and watching her dance. She did her solo for the second time ever at a competition. She did a beautiful job and I wouldn't have missed it on any day for any reason. When I started thinking about it, it's situations like this that cause mothers everywhere to be revered. Because we sacrificially give of everything we've got to our kids just because we love them. This kind of stuff is why we have our own special day (that and the marketing execs at Hallmark).

In case you're wondering, she received a gold for her solo along with 3rd place in the teen contemporary solo category. Her group dance also received a gold and 2nd place in the teen small group jazz category.

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