Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My new baby

My new washer was delivered last Wednesday. I love this thing! If you haven't upgraded to a front loader yet, you should march your little self down to Lowe's and buy one. It is awesome. Who knew laundry would excite me so. Because of my organized type A personality combined with the fact that my life is absolutely nuts, I have a very stringent laundry schedule: clothing on Mondays, towels on Tuesdays, and sheets on Wednesdays. One reason this process takes three days is because I couldn't get it all done in one day. This is no longer the case. On this past Monday, I washed 3 loads of clothing and two loads of towels and was completely done with all laundry in 5 hours. Amazing! During the first load, it became a viewing party in the laundry room with Nathan and Katie having their snack while they watched. I could conceivably wash the linens also on Monday, but my bed is always the dumping ground for said laundry since it is the only area big enough and dog hair free to hold it all until I'm ready to fold it. And because I'm so efficient this is also done on a schedule--during the showing of the Bachelor or starting next week, the Bachelorette. In case you're wondering, Alyssa and I were both hoping it would be Shayne so we were happy with the ending. American Idol is another story: She likes the Davids, I want David A to go home, and Nathan is cheering for "David Enchilada" to win the whole enchilada.

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