Wednesday, May 7, 2008

La Madeleine Cuties

Obviously if I haven't posted anything in 12 days, it has been very hectic around here. Something about May and everybody thinking they have to schedule an end of the year something has made our lives insane--way beyond the normal crazy that we're used to. I'm going to attempt to blog everyday for the next week at least to get you caught up on the happenings of our family to date.

First off--mine and Kevin's flying trip to Dallas last Monday. Thank goodness for Southwest's $49 each way fares! We arrived at 10 in the morning and left at 7 although technically we were back at the airport at 5 so were in town for 7 hours. Please do not be upset because we did not call you to schedule lunch or a quick visit. I had my priorities in order on this day: I shopped on Harry Hines. (Yes, I put a cute purse before friendships. I'll have to take a picture so you'll understand my justification.) I also hit the homeschool bookstore for some bargains on used books for the next school year. And, we had lunch with Jeremy and Catherine because they have this......

and this.....

The fact that I got to have chicken friand with mushroom sauce and a Caesar salad from La Madeleine while I stared at these adorable faces was just a bonus. I'm sure you can understand why we chose them to have lunch with. They are also very good friends who are in ministry and truly understand us which is monumental all on its own. But we had to see these precious blessings that we have prayed to arrive for around 8 years.

Oh and the real reason for all this jetting back and forth: we had to sign our gas lease on the house we still own in Arlington and brought back a nice little check in our pocket.


Anonymous said...

What cute pictures! You have had lots of practice I guess in getting the cutest side of little ones. We are so honored that we were the chosen ones!.We treasure our friendship with you and the little bit of time you carved out to see us!.Yeah for La Madeline!!

Anonymous said...

Still waiting to see a purse picture :)