Friday, May 16, 2008

Smarty Pants!

Congrats to Uncle Weve (Kevin's brother Steve--he's the one in the middle) for receiving two patents last year. I emailed him to ask what the patents were for and was immediately sorry I asked. I consider myself an intelligent person about most areas in life but when you start using words like 'halo-olefin' and 'dehalogenating agent', my eyes tend to glaze over and I look like a bobble-head doll, just nodding my head pretending I understand. Chemistry was just never a subject I was passionate about in school. (Sorry Weve!) He was nice enough to put it into a simple answer for me: one invention saves his company a lot of money, the other makes his company more eco friendly and competitive with other companies. And while we appreciate his brilliance and are excited that we are related to someone smart enough to receive just one patent, let alone two, we just love him cause he's Uncle Weve. The fact that he's the giver of all things Disney and developed propellant for Spider man silly string just increases his lovability!

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