Friday, July 25, 2008

Messin' up my kids at the Met

Apparently "scarring my kids for life at the Met" is a hot topic, so I'll go ahead and address it even though that was the last day of our trip and it totally goes against my orderly personality.

Now, we knew that we would encounter some um..human art at the museum. We had already had a small sampling at the Museum of Natural History with some abnormally proportioned totems, and that's all I'm going to say about that topic. Anyway, I was planning to just avoid those particular exhibit rooms and enjoy the rest of the museum. That plan went awry the minute we stepped off the elevator and came face to backside with a bronze sculpture derriere. Quickly leaving that area, we entered the main gallery hall which was filled with Greek and Roman sculptures in all their glory. Aphrodite was the only one wearing clothes, oddly enough.

So we quickly left that area. Every time we asked directions to another area of the museum, the answer always included "walk through the main gallery, and turn...". Need to go to the bathroom? Walk past that naked man and turn left. Want to see Monet? Walk through the proud Greeks and turn right. Alyssa kept repeating "Look at your shoes, just look at your shoes."

We did still have fun despite our unwelcome anatomy lessons. Alyssa's pretending to try on a tiara that was really enclosed in a glass case.

Nathan's favorite was the Superheroes special exhibit. This is the Batman costume from Batman begins. We also saw Christopher Reeves' Superman costume and Toby Macquire's Spiderman but that was after we got in trouble by the guard for taking pictures.

This sculpture was on the roof and looked just like a giant balloon animal.

Coming soon: more pictures and some travel tips for seeing NYC's famous attractions, like have a chat with your children about the fascination with the human body in the 16th century before you go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am thoroughly enjoying your blog!

Happy late Anniversary! Happy late Birthday! Happy moving!

It sounds like you had a great time in NYC.

Laura Sutton

P.S. If they brought back the low-carb cheesecake, Cheesecake Factory is having their 30th anniversary on Wednesday, the 30th and all their cheesecakes are 1.50 a slice :)